We all knew that iOS 6.1.1 was just around the corner as Apple released a beta version to the developers few days ago. Yesterday, all of a sudden, the final version of iOS 6.1.1 came out - just for the iPhone 4S. I didn't expect it to come out this soon but it seems like there was a major problem with the iPhone 4S. Even Vodafone in the UK told people not to upgrade to 6.1.
Looks like the problem was with 3G connectivity. I too had problems where the webpages would take forever to load and calls taking a long time to connect. But I never suspected the problem was with the OS. I blamed SoftBank for their ever-so-worsening quality of connectivity.
OK, so this sounds like a critical update, but what about jailbreaking? Will it break the evasi0n jailbreak? Will I not be able to jailbreak again? Haha! Apparently there was nothing to worry about. Evasi0n jailbreak tool had been upgraded to version 1.3 which can be used with iOS 6.1.1. How awesome is that?
So that everything is in order, I didn't think twice and went ahead with the update. Just as before, you are not supposed to use the over-the-air update. You should use iTunes. That's exactly what I did. But just like the last time, the upgrade failed and the phone booted into the DFU mode. Looks like error come up when you try to upgrade a jail-broken iPhone as it is, because my wife’s phone didn’t have this problem. Anyways, iTunes gave me the option to do a restore and restart the update, and it worked fine.Looks like the problem was with 3G connectivity. I too had problems where the webpages would take forever to load and calls taking a long time to connect. But I never suspected the problem was with the OS. I blamed SoftBank for their ever-so-worsening quality of connectivity.
OK, so this sounds like a critical update, but what about jailbreaking? Will it break the evasi0n jailbreak? Will I not be able to jailbreak again? Haha! Apparently there was nothing to worry about. Evasi0n jailbreak tool had been upgraded to version 1.3 which can be used with iOS 6.1.1. How awesome is that?
Then I restored the previous settings using the backup and all my settings - except the apps and the media files weren’t synced. I wonder why the apps and the media files don't get copied back to the phone. At least, there should be a user selectable option. right? Restoring the 90 apps manually was the hardest thing, especially when they don’t fit back into the same order.
Anyways, I actually forgot to jailbreak before syncing everything back to the phone. It would have been better to apply the jailbreak to freshly installed OS. Either way, I didn't have any problem getting evasi0n 1.3 working. It was same as before. Very easy. Only thing was that I had to download the latest version, which is the only version that they currently host.

So what about the 3G connectivity problem? Did the update actually fix it? Actually it did. Browsing is much more snappier now. Previously, I had to wait for a long time - sometimes more than a minute - for a website to load when browsing from my seat. Now webpages load up pretty quickly. If I say it is faster than ever before, then I would be lying - not because it is actually a lie, but because I'm not sure. But it feels very responsive now. (But for some reason, the battery died on me on the way back home. There was a 10% charge when I left the office – should have held 30 minutes right? - but it went down to 0% quite quickly about halfway through. :/)
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