
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

[Gadget] Qnix QX2710 Evolution II display (Part2- Dead pixels and backlight bleeding)

I’m splitting this article into three parts because it is going to be a long article. This is the part 2.

Now that I have plugged in the display to the power source and the PC, it was time to for me to test for quality issues. Remember, this display is not made by a reputed company even though the panel is actually same as the ones used in Apple Cinema Displays. But the quality control shouldn’t be anywhere close to that of the big name companies. It could be that these cheap panels they are using on these displays are rejected due to being below the quality standards. However, that is not to say that these always will be inferior to the displays from reputed brands. Sometimes these offer less backlight bleeding than the monitors from reputed companies. And most of the times you won't get any dead pixels.

If you want to get a higher quality display, you can pay a little bit more and get something that comes with "Pixel Perfect" guarantee. This means that the amount of dead pixels present can be up to 1 dark pixel and no bright pixels. You won't probably notice a dark dead pixel at this resolution.

But this guarantee doesn't cover backlight bleeding. The seller said that they do check the display for defects before shipping it and that they would not ship a display with excessive backlight bleeding. Well, I guess you have to take their word for it.

Still, I asked the seller to thoroughly check the display for defects before shipping it. He told me that there weren’t any dead pixels but there could be some backlight bleeding. I wasn’t sure why he said that “there could be” backlight bleeding, because there is either backlight bleeding or not. Anyways, I was hoping that I won’t run into any issues.

Now that the display was powered up and all, it was time for me to check if I got a great display or a subpar display.


After carefully inspecting for dead pixels I came to a conclusion that there weren't any dead pixels. That's a relief. Besides, I paid $20 more to get one that didn't have dead pixels.

Then it was time to check for backlight bleeding. At first I didn't notice any backlight bleeding that would concern me. But the next day I watched a movie with my wife and I was seated at an angle and my wife was seated straight in front of the display. From straight up, you couldn't see any backlight bleeding. But from the angle that I was seated, I could see some backlight bleeding on the left edge and top edg when the screen was completely dark. It wasn't a big area though.  But there were definitely some backlight bleeding when that area was dark. Otherwise you wouldn't notice that.

But it is very hard to capture this in a photo. For some reason, the screen looks too bright when photographed. In reality, that’s not the case. It seems it has something to do with the screen using a PLS panel.

I managed to capture a photo from my Canon S95 point and shoot camera. There is too much brightness captured from the camera. According to OCN forums, the areas marked in red are the actual light bleeds. The rest of the bright areas elsewhere are not backlight bleeding. I don’t know how those bright areas  are caused. Only when the screen is fully black you can see them. Otherwise they are not seen.


Even though I'm not ecstatic about the backlight bleeding, I guess I'm ok with it. Hey, every display has some degree of backlight bleeding. In fact, I've seen a review where the backlight bleeding on the Qnix was lower than even an Apple Cinema Display. So even if I bought a display from a reputed manufacturer, I could get a display with a worse quality. But in that case I could easily have RMAed it.

I cannot remember if my old display had any backlight bleeding. I didn’t look for it back then.

Ok, next up is brightness, overclocking and performance.

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