
Friday, December 14, 2012

Changing Disk Controller mode from RAID to AHCI in Windows 8

Since I got rid of my RAID-0 setup, it was time to change the SATA controller from RAID to AHCI so that I do not see the darn RAID BIOS thingy every time I start the PC. Of course I didn’t want to reinstall Windows just for that. But you cannot simply change the SATA controller mode to AHCI from RAID. If you do so, Windows will not boot. But there is always a workaround.

Here are the steps.

Note: the steps are a bit different in Windows 7.

1. I already had Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver installed, so I uninstalled it from control panel and just rebooted back to Windows. (I didn’t touch the BIOS settings [yet.)

2. Then I went to Registry Editor (Run > regedit) and opened the following key.


3. On the right pane I doubled clicked on the “0” setting and changed the value to 0 from 3.


4. Then I exited Registry Editor and rebooted and went straight into BIOS.

5. From BIOS, I changed the storage controller mode to AHCI and rebooted.

Voila! No more RAID BIOS screens. =]


  1. Thanks for this guide. I told you my problem: I need AHCI Mode for hackintoshing my HP DM4 3090se, In Device Manager I see: Intel(R) Mobile Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller.
    In Bios Option (InsydeH20 Rev 3.5)I dont have the hability to change to AHCI Mode, must be hidding by HP.
    I checked the process you posted above, startoverride 0 setting is by default in 3 (I should understand no need to change it, isnt it?)
    Trying to remove Intel Rapid Storage Technology but Im afraid it will delete RAID Volume (Disk C:) so my W8 system wont boot again.
    Please let me know If I Delete IRST will damage my system and if startoverride 0 setting has to be in 0 or 3 (A little confused in this part)

    1. what i don't understand is if you have a RAID volume, how can you change it to AHCI? you need it to be in RAID mode if you have a RAID volume.


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