There are many reports that the SP1 for Windows 7 is leaked, so I checked if I could get hold of one, but I didn’t want to lurk around the torrent networks because they might have a tempered installation. To my amazement, I found softpedia listing it, so I downloaded it. (The build number is 7601.17514.101119-1850)
I was gonna slipstream it and install in that manner, but I wanted to give it a shot. I am not keen on installing Windows from the scratch especially when the current installation is running superbly. So I installed it.
At first it took a massive amount of disk space for the extraction. I started with almost 20GB left in the SSD, and then it dropped down to 12GB. I was hoping most of it were temporary files. Yes they were. The installation finished in 8 minutes thanks to the SSD, and after rebooting, the SSD had 17.5GB left in the drive.
But by using the following command in the command prompt, I could remove the backup files because I won’t be uninstalling this anyways. A further 2GB space was recovered after that. I’m back to 19.5GB left in the SSD. Decent! But I need more space. XD
Here is the command to remove the backup files:
dism /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded
Note: Run it in elevated command prompt.
Here’s the final outcome:
Wonder what would happen to us who "sort of" purchased windows! ??
ReplyDeleteI also sort of purchased it, so you'll be alright :P